
Shamanic Reiki Healing Session

Your session will begin with a cup of freshly brewed herbal tea and a conversation about where you are in your life, followed by an energy reading and a guided ceremony involving sound, plants, aromatherapy, and hands on energy work focusing on areas of your body that are in need of support. In a collaborative effort Julia will share what has come up; blocks that need releasing, hidden strengths and talents, areas in your physical, emotional and energetic body that need attention and care, and tools for integrating and continuing the healing process at home. You will leave with a handmade ritual candle and a bespoke ritual to help strengthen your self reflection and self healing practice. Deeply nourishing physically, emotionally, and spiritually, each session is unique, collaborative, and intuitively crafted for the individual.

90 minutes $200

In-person sessions in Greenpoint, Brooklyn

Reiki Healing Session

Your session will begin with a brief conversation about what’s going on in your life followed by a full body hands on reiki treatment while you lay down (fully clothed) on a massage table. Julia will gently guide you into a deeply relaxed and receptive state, helping to release any tension and stagnation while activating and supporting your body’s natural healing process. After the treatment Julia will hold loving space for you to share anything that came up and suggest personalized practices that you can continue at home to support your health and wellbeing.

60 minutes $120

In-person sessions in Greenpoint, Brooklyn

Group Sessions & Workshops

Julia offers group sessions and workshops in private and professional settings that honor and celebrate milestones and transitional phases of our lives, events like birthdays, anniversaries, bridal and baby showers, space cleansing and blessing ceremonies, business openings, team-building events, pop-up shops, retreats, moon and seasonal gatherings. Through beautiful ritual, sharing of intentions, and a guided ceremony involving meditation, sound, aromatherapy, plants, reiki, and movement, Julia holds space for participants to journey deep within themselves aligning with their bodies’ unique wisdom and the rhythms of nature, coming together in gratitude to celebrate our interconnectedness. Each group session is unique and intuitively crafted for the occasion.

For more details and to discuss your specific needs, please get in touch via email at


“Awareness and intention are powerful tools in our healing journey. In my work I aim to help people bring patterns of thought and behavior from the subconscious to conscious awareness, allowing all accompanying emotions to be felt, processed and released through your choice and clear intention.”