
Lesley Ligthelm, Actress / Writer / Artist

Thank you so much for our session, it was really special. You have such a radiant, welcoming presence, it feels so easy to disarm myself and offer the vulnerable areas of my life toward the light of healing in you. My chest muscles have felt so relaxed this week, it feels like my shoulders can drop into their sockets afters years of tension - may be a physical response to an emotional release.


Nicole Centeno, Founder / CEO of Splendid Spoon

Julia’s energy work helped me shift into a new powerful place of self-acceptance. Julia is magical (and that’s enough reason to spend time with her) but I’m also a very logic-driven person: practically speaking, my time with her has improved how I approach priorities with my team and my family. My session with her also coincided with moving into the second trimester of my third pregnancy and I’m so grateful for her work with me during this special time.


Luciana Naclerio, Founder of Temple Technique

The authentic love that comes from being in the presence of Julia is healing in and of itself. Her one on one sessions blend sound therapy, reiki, gentle touch and draw on her own unique roots of Ukrainian folk magic. As one who does much of my spiritual practice on my own, this session truly opened me up to being held by another. I felt profound trust in Julia, because it is clear that she deeply trusts herself. Her ability to listen to the subtle body helped me uncover the deeper messages within me about life’s transitions. After the session I felt as though I had gone through a powerful rite of passage. Julia has been a strong and deep guide for me on the path to love and empowerment. I recommend her sessions to anyone needing to hear their own inner voice.


Christina Desmet, Fashion Designer / Founder of Desmet NYC

Julia innately identified the things that were holding me back and gave me the tools to fix them within myself. Her insight led me to new self healing and self discovery practices that I continue to grow from daily.


Rebekka Rafnsdottir, Writer / Filmmaker

Julia radiates so much love. I feel myself unfold closer to my true self just by being around her. In my session I felt so held with her gentle touch, reiki, herbs, and sound therapy, that I was able to hear the voice of my innermost being. After the session my compass has been so clear that I move forward without any hesitation with what needs to be done in order to facilitate the greater good. I feel so grateful and recommend it to anyone that is looking for support to find their own wisdom within.

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Henry Hargreaves, Photographer

I had my first energy healing session ever with Julia. I had a lot on my mind going in, (an illness, my first child about to be born and the world going sideways with a virus no one knew how to handle...) We started with a very comfortable and genuine talk and moved onto the most magical energy moving session. I felt so light during it and unblocked in my thoughts after. I don't know what she did but I loved it!


Elisabet Davidsdottir, Photographer

I came to Julia with a strong lower back pain and after two sessions I felt much better. I have also felt lighter and more balanced both physically and emotionally. I plan to continue seeing her, for a series of sessions and look forward to the journey ahead.

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Thury Ros, Visual Artist / Designer

Going to Julia was the best thing I have done for myself in a long time. She shifted my energy from confusion and anxiety to a calm and clearer way of being and feeling about my life which has been stressful lately, like so many others. She really has such a gentle and supportive presence that I feel so fortunate to have her as a healer.


Melanie Herring, Akashic Reader / Flower Frequency Creator

I reached out to Julia for a cleansing/blessing ceremony for my new home after being divinely guided to her work. I felt the power of her offering days before the ceremony was scheduled and continued to resonate for many days after. My house was crying out for recognition and for someone to give a voice to her challenges and needs. Julia was the perfect conduit and spoke truths that could only have been offered to her from the spirit of my house. Julia guided me virtually through the most beautiful ceremony that covered cleansing, blessing and protecting my home. She masterfully guided me into deeper relation with and understanding of my home. I remember thinking that if everyone took the time to offer such love and care to their home, what sanctuaries we would build! What bonds of love we would form! What transformation would be available to us! I can't recommend Julia or her beautiful work highly enough. Do yourself the favor and dive deeply into the energetics of your home with Julia as your guide. Your life and your home will be beautifully transformed for it.


Stephanie Pereira Lima, Energy Healing Curator

Julia’s presence and touch is pure healing magic. She is very nurturing and you can feel the love throughout the full experience. I felt deeply held and heard by Julia. The physical and energetic space was thoughtfully curated which I really appreciated. We had a great conversation to connect and check in before I laid down on the table. She is very gentle and intentional in her hand placements. I felt refreshed, balanced and grounded at the end of our time together. I’d strongly recommend seeing Julia for a reiki session.